Reality doesn’t give a flip whether or not you believe it.
Reality is THAT which cannot be destroyed, Altered, punished, or rewarded.
Human’s cannot see REALITY, And they call what they see “reality,” But everything they see, touch, smell, taste, or hear Can be destroyed.
Whoops! Your “reality” is Not Real, Baby! Reality gets deeper than that. You see, Destruction, itself, is an illusion, because, ALL that IS, is Energy, and energy cannot be destroyed. Energy simply changes form, like a sneaky shapeshifter.
That makes the energy behind destruction, creation, and maintaining form, True Reality. No personification. No self-aware opinions. No free will. Totally neutral.
Energy does what energy does, be it Gravitational, chemical, thermal, kinetic, electric, atomic, nuclear, or scalar.
Can’t change its mind. Can’t alter its mode of operation.
Though invisible, Reality is
Behind the flow of blood through your body,
Behind your ability to move,
Behind your ability to think,
Behind the clockwork of the Cosmos.
And it does not give a flip if you care, or even know, like gravity.
Egocentrism is a huge block to Expanding Consciousness.