MOST FEELINGS ARE NO GUIDE TO ILLUMINATION; Not a guide to truth; Not reliable witnesses. Feelings that come from fallible sensory perceivers, Are interpreted by a limited brain, Promoted by imagined pleasures or wounds, And influenced by misunderstood experiences. Furthermore, those feelings are totally programmed in by your: Caregiver’s predilections to fears and joys, and Environmental influences that reward or injure.
The most egregious involuntary feeling is FEAR, Which is the root of all life-defeating thinking.
LIKE everything else blocking and preventing true LIVING, Automatic fears arise like steam from a cauldron of Insufficient Love, mixed with Past-life insecurities, stirred by A paranoid worry-stick, spiked with A bucket of (denied) pent-up anger, then sprinkled With spite, resentment, jealousy, and regret. Not only THAT, but FEARS can spring full-blown from a foundation of Childhood anxiety, Low self-esteem, Profound uncertainty, And negative reinforcement.
All of which, Baby Love—now that you’re walking the discernment path—are “Get thee behind me” donkeys.
As you spiritually adult, you’ll recognize some of those donkeys. They’ve been pulling you around for lifetimes.
However, you’ve recently harnessed others to your new donkey-cart, And they’ll be easier to abandon along The Path.
How? Stop naming and bragging on them Like they were your favorite pets.