WHOEVER YOU ARE Leave a Comment / MATERIAL MATTERS / By Mercedes http://unseenreality.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/WHOEVER-YOU-ARE.mp3 COSMIC PAUSE SAYS ONE OBSERVER: Whoever you are, Wherever you came from, However you got here . . . . . IS INCONSEQUENTIAL. Human credentials pale In the overwhelming shadow . . . . . OF YOUR COSMIC PRESENCE. Pleiadian, Venusian, Arcturian, or Sun Spawn, The vibration of your Love penetrates many frequencies. The Harmony of your song soothes all that hear. The Peace of your heart emanates through the universe. The Wisdom you live is the archetype for Humanity. Surrounded and Lifted by your Illumination, Humble we are before you, Nose and belly on the ground, Dear One. . . . . . SAYS ANOTHER OBSERVER: “Hey, Cuz, Bout time you came to check on us. How’s our Ma doin’?” 04/16/19 DOWNLOAD PDF