Words from the mouth, unattached to the heart,
Give directions and deliver instructions,
Accurate or otherwise.
And that about covers the spoken word, Baby Love.
Understand that what you “believe” is not truth.
Your opinions are conjectures seldom worth speaking,
And everything else is gossip.
Most communication from mouth to ear is
Unnecessary clap-trap noise.
You see, The Truth is an unspeakably high vibration,
Never coming out of the mouth and
Only experienced by the heart.
It’s really more complicated, because
There is truth we can speak and then there is THE TRUTH,
Not to be mistaken as the same thing.
Truth can be objectively proven through scientific processes
And is often known as fact.
THE TRUTH —Whether local, planetary, solar, universal, or cosmic,
Experienced by any entity sufficiently evolved to register it—
LOVE, totally disconnected from the glands, is TRUTH.
. . . . .
There’s a caveat here, Baby Love.
You have to watch out because “love” is a slippery scamp,
Disguised by many shades of human desire,
Which fool even the wisest among us
Into thinking that it’s….true love.