Hard-hearted Compassion, teach me your ways.
Show me a love so sacred, so deep
It by-passes my vulnerable soul.
Listen while I moan my sympathy to its death.
Empty me of hidden guilt, the child of self-pity.
Gift me with knowing when to turn my back and walk away.
Tell me, again, the tale of eternal life.
Open my flesh-blinded eyes that I might see:
Beauty in suffering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lessons in errors…
Guidance in mistakes . . . . . . . . . . . . Teachers in accidents…
Incarnation as training . . . . . . . . . . Death as shifting dimensions…
Aging as a blessing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Poverty and wealth as crucial…
Health and disease as required . . . Joy and sorrow as complimentary…
My mind knows that True Compassion is a blaze of Glory
Camouflaged as apparent neutrality and securely rooted
In the abyss of the human heart.
I know it because, sometimes, a flash of that holy neutrality
Splits the soul and, serene, unattached, I quietly observe
The seeming tortures of Hell on Earth.
Then, too soon, empathy, the shock-collar of Love, kicks me into high gear,
An electric motivation destroys observation, and I smile.
Ah, Action! Participation! The possibility of growth!
Then it’s head-first into identifying with the dark pits of
Sympathy, pity, regret, and uncompromising sorrow.
I laugh out loud and welcome the opportunities.
Good to be back in the classroom!