Being Human… ?

Consider this, Baby Love.
Human beings are in a form
That limits almost everything.
If they have too much food
They swell up and die.
If they have too much sun
They get cancer and die.
If they have too much anger
They have a stroke and die.
If they have too much work
They deplete their energy and die.
When they live too many years,
They wear out and die.
The only Limitless thing they can have…
Without dying…
Is Love.
Their hearts, minds, and souls,
Their human forms,
Are equipped to give and accept
Unlimited love,
With all its extended nuances.
Not only that, but when they
Leave their bodies behind
All the love they have ever given or received
Travels with them.
Limitless Abundance, forever.
Makes you humans think twice
About your priorities.