Say It Or Be It?

Prayer is an attitude of gratitude
For Life itself,
For sunrise and sunset,
And for the ability to perceive Beauty.
Prayer is loving and caring and being mindful
To support all that’s sentient,
And everything is.
Prayer is finding the good, the beneficial,
The lasting lesson-blessings in all events.
Prayer is being aware of every gift,
Of every Grace,
Of open possibilities,
Every moment, every day, all your life.
Prayer is walking with abundance
At all times, in all circumstances.
Prayer is living in the constant experience
Of Joy, Love, Peace, and Confidence.
Being a prayer, 24/7, is what you’re aiming for, Baby Love.
That will happen automatically when you know
“You do nothing of yourself.”
Which is easy, if you remember the number of schemes
You’ve designed and plans you’ve made that worked out exactly,
But exactly, as you planned.
ZERO, right?
Even taking three of your very best shots didn’t make it happen, right?
Give it up, Sweetie. It’s OK not to be in charge.
Relax, you’re in Good Hands.
PS: Getting on your knees helps curb the arrogance tricking you into thinking you’re operating on your own.