A Whiff Of Reality

In the shade of the sunrise there looms a portal
Between dimensions.
It’s fleeting, and requires vigilance to see,
But it’s there, as sure as the trees.
Flights of Fancy are available, no reservation required.
Pipe dreams and cigarette rings float on the imagination.
Fairies dance in your head and sing Siren songs to your heart.
You feel larger than you are, expanded, filled with Joy and Revelation
Of unspeakable Wisdom.
You yearn to stay here, live here, to circle up with the fairies,
Float on the dreams, and commune with the Angels.
Then the sun warms the portal in your mind, full shine,
And your day begins with a smile.
You know that the sun will rise again.
The fairies are still there in the shadow.
Dreams can become reality.
Joy fills your heart as if you were a Saint,
And you float through life with one foot inside the portal,
Living as if both dimensions were equally real.