Do Yourself A Favor

Teachers they are, your Emotions.
It’s a good thing to know that
When we recall the good ones
We get to re-experience the juiciness of Joy.
Unfortunately, emotional recall applies
Equally to the sad and fearful emotions,
Those that usurp the natural Joy of our soul.
When we make a mistake, or do a dastardly deed,
We beat ourselves with the hammers of remorse and regret.
We flail ourselves with the whips of guilt and sorrow.
Baby Love, the sad/bad emotions are valuable after crisis,
To help you learn the lessons so your attitude lightens.
Hanging on to the hammer after that, not so valuable.
And here’s how quit using those torture machines in your head.
Understand, all the way through every cell of your body, that
because you are who you are…
because of all your experiences and baggage…
because of the growing soul that’s you…
You did what you did in order to learn the lessons
And gain the wisdom that the event and circumstances
Had prepared specifically for you.
Once that wisdom is gained,
Continued pounding is worse than useless…it’s damaging.
So do yourself a favor: Look fast, Learn the lesson quick
And drop that sizzling hammer.
Baby Love, you’re wasting energy beating on yourself
And using up precious Lifeforce that’s
Much better applied to creating Joy.