Everything Turns Out Fine

Whatever happens, happens.
In spite of all your planning, organizing,
And designing to achieve a desired outcome—
Whatever  Happens, Happens.
When it happens exactly, but exactly as you want,
Baby Love, that’s Divine Intervention for sure.
When it happens all screwy and torqued sideways,
It’s Divine Intervention…. for absolutely sure.
Does not mean you give up trying
To make things happen
According to your plans.
Divine Intervention means that
         “You do nothing of yourself.”
That, in turn, means
Everything you do is exactly
As Divinity would have it be—for a purpose.
            [Falls under the heading of “No Accidents.”]
Get it?
Understand that The Plan is always evolving you
Closer to Unconditional Love?
Go ahead! Execute your excellent plans the best you can.
The result, however it turns out, always helps you develop
The eyes to see Divinity in All.
And that’s a Blessing.

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