Just For A Laugh

Everything is perfect all the time.
Even if you don’t think so,
Even if you don’t like it.
Even if it wasn’t what you imagined,
Everything is still perfect.
You understand that “perfection” resides in your mind,
Is a value judgment based on whatever your culture esteems,
Is unjustly attached to functionality, rather than beauty,
And is burdened by being an absolute.
(There is no “perfect-er” or “perfect-est”)
Perfect stands alone as the epitome, the top, the height
Beyond which nothing can go.
Secret Stuff:
No matter what others say, if you practice,
You can change your mind
So that you live in A Perfect World.
Why not go Disney?
Just don’t tell anyone.
They’ll think you’re nuts because
You laugh so much all the time.