Expectation Baloney

Fear has evolved into a chronic condition called
“Victim consciousness,”
Which is counterproductive to everything.
When instinctive animal fear
Slams into your heart and fries your brain,
You can’t think.
Brainless humans have zero defense.
When you live in the shadow of disaster,
Certain every moment, that you will suffer
Monstrous maladies;
When you walk through a forest
Certain that a tree will crush you;
When you start your car in the morning,
Certain that you will have a wreck;
When you remain on high alert for dangerous situations,
Certain they will come, any instant, in spades.
Then you are living “victim consciousness,”
Creating “self-fulfilling prophecy.”
And without a brain, most likely suffering
Pretty much all the time,
From the effects of your own Imagination.
That’s why fear is counterproductive.
What you imagine can’t hurt you, unless it’s sustained.
Intercept those fears at the pass and evaporate them
With Truth and Fact.
Then, focus your imagination on positive, beneficial,
Supportive, and prosperous images.
Watch your life become bearable, then acceptable, then good,
Then fine, then wonderful.
What’s to lose?