An Experience Is Either

Good times.
Bad times.
What a blessing!
Paradise would be boring,
What with everything being perfect all the time.
It’s the bad times that make the good times good—believe-you-me!
Duality applies everywhere,
Way beyond the arguable realm of spirituality.
Just look around.
Everything comes in pairs, on some level.
Light – Dark
Hot – Cold
Up – Down
In – Out
Male – Female
Duality is the seminal characteristic of our three dimensional world.
These pairs of opposites give us life,
which is,
quite simply,
the ability to experience and to name.
Lament not the “bad” times.
They are just experiences you don’t like,
Having no meaning in and of themselves.
Rather, celebrate ALL times as Good Times.
They are just experiences you label with an attitude,
Having no meaning in and of themselves.
That would be closer to Truth than to soap opera.