The First Key To The Kingdom

IF we are thoughtful, mindful, and wise;
IF we allow ourselves to acknowledge that we are
Hard-wired into Evolution and
Integrated with the One Presence;
IF we strive to respond to our Spirit Within;
IF we consciously develop a loving relationship with
The Presence that is Everything—including us;
IF we acknowledge the arrogance of our across-the-board claim
To Individual free will trumping Divine Will, and surrender—
Give It Up;
IF we realize it is the Soul within that guides our every choice,
Great or small, joyous or painful, mind-numbing or ecstatic;
THEN we are enabled to Embrace and Celebratethe painful lessons
Our Soul is teaching us.
THEN we are able to grow spiritually toward Bliss and Joy,
(which will be inherited by the atoms of our future vehicles).
Rather than sink into anger, grief, self-pity, guilt, and sorrow,
(which will be inherited by the atoms of our future vehicles).
IF we can do all that,
THEN we can lift ourselves above life’s soap opera and mindfully
choose to respond to all circumstances with
Life-enhancing joy and gratitude for the gift
—Which constitutes spiritual growth.
Expanding one’s perspective takes diligent practice,
callouses-on-the-knees brand of humility,
and gratitude for the lessons,
no matter what.
IF we are thoughtful, we will mentally genuflect in devotion, and
Acknowledge the vastness of our ignorance.
Freewill? Indeed!
TRUTH is tough and has to be chewed on for a while.
Just ask yourself:
“If I had freewill, why in the world would I have done that?”