Ponder Deep Truth

Everything is just fine—if you say so.
All is as it should be—by your consideration.
Nothing can hurt you—if you’re un-attached to the outcome.
“Accidents” only happen—if you think so. You can always think otherwise.
Humanity is on a perfect path to enlightenment—there are no accidents.
Your mind is not your boss—unless you’re blind and deaf to Reality.
Knowledge of your Divine Birthright has been “civilized” out of you.
Works and words are malleable, according to individual perception.
Trust is automatic in the innocent soul. Faith makes Trust permanent.
Honesty is your primary nature—until you learn otherwise.
“Love” and “need” are often confused. Discernment required.
“Purity” is a persistently nurtured, loving, point of view.
Truth is a slippery fellow, a shapeshifter, and a hangman.
Objectivity is impossible—in a sensuous body.
Self-consciousness is mother of judgment—so material values are unreliable.
If you find yourself arguing—consider that both of you are right.
Being right all the time requires lying to yourself.
Thinking things “thoroughly through” often obscures a simple path.
Love everything, unconditionally—quid pro quo is applicable in most places.
Expectations cause disappointment—because imagination is transcendent.