Give It A Think

Expert scientific thought, at this time, theorizes that:
Early man could not explain his universe, so he imagined a Greater Being who was in charge.
Thus came worship, devotion, sacrifice, evil, and a
Hierarchical system of Goodness.
Well, it’s not different today, just more complicated.
We’re not in limestone caves scratching on the walls.
We’re in cavernous cathedrals, sculpting marble.
We stand and sit, come forward or return, to the wave of the hierophants’ hand.
We show up to be reminded we are bad, and that being good is hard.
We want to be tongue-lashed into being good.
We recite prayers to save us from being bad.
We slip up and curse, then feel ashamed about being bad,
or feel good about not being ashamed.
Fools are we all, to blindly follow anything, save higher guidance.
Fools are we all, to be duped as to the location of Higher Power.
Fools are we all, to believe everything we hear then act on false information.
Fools are we all, to blindly follow authorities when our own experience reveals the lie.
We have the Power, the Will, the Hands, Feet, and Brains
Available to follow Higher Guidance, if we Will it to be so.
But then, IF we turn loose, lift ourselves, acknowledge the
Higher Power living us, and realize that
There can be only One Higher Power living us ALL,
Then… we have to ask:
What the hell is going on that human history is filled with war,
Famine, poverty, pain, disease, grief, horror, and blinding fear?
Is it maybe possible, that all that’s about
“Good” allowing us to follow personal guidance,
the consequences of which become Higher Guidance,
So we will freely choose to follow the Good Path? Maybe?
Sometimes it takes a 2 X 4 upside the head
To open the way for Good Sense to surface.