A Fine Way To Be

Every morning she wakes up brand new.
The sunrise always stuns her into awe.
Never before has she fried bacon that sizzled, Popped, and bubbled in such ecstasy.
You can hear her singing, and it’s pretty loud,
Because she’s so very happy she cannot contain herself.
The scent of sun dried laundry sends her into peals of laughter
As she gathers them off the line, carefully placing each
Prized clothespin into her apron pocket.
She names her chickens and knows who’s laying the best eggs.
She cries when they die, but not for long.
Her husband drives her to the grocery store every week.
On the way, she sees things she’s seen a hundred times before,
But to her eyes they are always the Himalayas at first sight.
Her squeal fills the car with “Oh Honey, look at that!”
And she points to the freeway overpass.
The blessing is that anyone with her sees it through her miracle eyes.
A portal into a Grecian Temple.
Her grocery cart screeches to a halt beside the tomatoes.
She stares, entranced by the shiny red, juicy wonders.
Stroking them like babies, she selects two.
A moment later, “Oh my word! They have mint-flavored toothpaste!”
What will they think of next?” echoes through the store.
Her pealing laughter rings from the detergent aisle.
“Honey, look! They got the same soap Granny used!”
And, “Honey, look up there!” shakes the rafters as
She points to the ceiling corral of helium balloons.
She chirps her way through the day as it unfolds,
Brand new, right in front of her, minute by hour.
When she goes to bed at night, the scent of sunshine in the sheets,
The plump of the pillows, and the soft of the mattress
Cuddle her into the stillness of Peace.
Profound gratitude, for simply being alive,
Washes through her body as sleep
Sneaks in to partake of her Joy.
You see, this precious child, considered daft by most people,
Lives in the Peace of natural innocence,
Experiencing childlike wonder, 24/7,
Riding the crest of life, centered in the middle of Joy.
She’s a perfect role model for living every moment
And loving every circumstance.
That’s Peace, big-time.
Baby Love, Joy and Peace are your birthright.
Grab them by the neck and hold on,
Any which-a-way you can,
No matter what other people think.