Do you know where you’ve been?
Do you know where you are?
Do you know where you’re going?
Somewhere inside, you do know.
Somewhere inside, there’s no confusion.
Somewhere inside, your Light has the map.
If you want to consciously assist in your own
Spiritual Evolution,
All you have to do is dive, fearless,
Into the deep infinity that you are,
To bring back the Wisdom of Guidance.
Go for it! What’s to lose?
Don’t want to dive in?
Meditation isn’t for you?
Well, here you go with an eyes-open method.
Realize in your mind, then
Internalize to the core of every bone and muscle in your body,
That every second, of every day, You are exactly where you’re supposed to be.
Especially if you don’t like where you are.
If you think sitting and breathing is tough, Baby Love,
Wait till you meet your Master….your body.
You see, material discomforts, like not moving, and then
Transcending the discomforts,
Is a step toward illumination because
You are mastering your body.
Believe me,
Going from the inside out is easier than
Going from the outside in.
That would be “Easier” –at one–
On the scale of 1-10.