You see, there’s your self, Baby Love,
Which is your personality—who you think you are—
Which is an accumulation of experiences and attitudes
Walking around in a flesh body.
And then there’s your SELF, with a capital S,
That’s more like your Soul or your Spirit,
Sometimes called your Holy Guardian Angel.
You were born with it.
You couldn’t be alive without it.
And It knows more about your self/personality than you do.
The central challenge of every human being is to understand
That whatever happens to the physical body during a lifetime
Was designed and executed by their resident SELF.
The kicker here is that your personality has no clue
About your SELF, or what it’s up to in this life,
Let alone what it experienced during Its past lives.
But let me tell you Sweets, if you’re miserable in your life,
It’s because you’re out of touch, out of sync,
Facing the wrong direction, and making unwise decisions,
Because you think you know it all,
Or pretending you do.
If, and when, you finally understand that your self
Is not “in control” of the events happening to your body,
Then you can begin to look at your misery as a classroom
Where your SELF is teaching your self to be
In touch, in sync, and make fewer unwise decisions
On the way to actually KNOWING IT ALL.
As much as folks screech, scream, and scrape the sides of the tube,
On what appears to be the way down,
Experiences really turn out to be The Way Up—or,
The Way Of Expanding Consciousness and Increasing Illumination.
We are in error, who think we know anything,
And proceed to judge everything
By how we FEEL.