The Soul knows what it needs
To grow and mature,
To expand consciousness,
To love unconditionally.
That’s why it chose the body it’s in,
Chose the parents it has,
Chose the circumstances of its life,
Chose the hardships to overcome,
Chose its physical body’s birth gifts.
And it brought in the ability to make choices,
While inhabiting an Earth-bound vehicle.
You’re not even you, making the choices.
You’re just the container for the Soul to experience
The maelstrom of passions that must be mastered
Before ascension is possible.
Whining a prayer for what you think is “help” and “healing,”
Is not the answer.
Help and Healing will happen in strange ways,
In their own time, at their own pace.
Early recognition that it’s the Soul’s lessons
Bringing you to your knees, teaching you,
Keeping you down until the Work of Life is done,
Is a greater gift than you can imagine.
Be Vigilant for apparent calamity.
It’s a blessing in disguise.
Welcome seeming tragedy.
It’s an ancient and renown teacher.
Celebrate all adversity,
And the good times are adversity in disguise,
For every worldly circumstance is divinely designed.
For you alone.


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