When all your waking day is filled with
Doctor appointments,
Taking prescription medicines,
Vitamins, supplements, herbs,
Preparing a healthy diet,
Shopping, gossiping, partying,
Exercising, swimming, walking,
Monitoring your blood sugar like a vulture,
Checking your blood pressure like a vampire,
Taking Epsom salt soaks to leach out toxins,
And searching for miracle anti-wrinkle potions and
Climbing the corporate ladder,
Just to stay alive longer……. What’s the point of staying alive at all?
Without meditating or praying: connecting with the Eternal;
Without serving others: sharing yourself;
Without caring for Mother Earth: preserving a Living Being;
Without giving and receiving Love: communing with LIF . . .
What’s the point? Well? What is it?
Consider that you actually have a choice:
Strive for the superficial happiness of vanishing material gratification
Aspire to permanent JOY residing in your Spirit and Eternal through lifetimes.
Exist for the outside temporary thrill, maybe?
Really Live a full life from the inside, maybe?
The way you choose to use
Your life-time
Reveals your Reality.