Humans live in a three-dimensional world
Because that’s all they can Perceive.
They call space-time the fourth dimension. Space is infinite, which is incomprehensible.
The concept of time is dependent on a self-consciousness
Which can notice the endless, repetitious dance of galaxies.
They call that movement “time.”
Humans have drawn a mathematical circle
Determined by the limits of their sensory interpretation,
And called it The Universe.
With a bow to their ignorance,
A tip of the hat to their lust for power,
A donation to charity, and
Denial of their insignificance,
Humans strut and pomp like Masters Of The Universe.
And they are.
But the Universe they’ve mastered is defined
By the miniscule circle they’ve drawn
Inside their heads.
Even so, within the tiny space of their mind,
Invisible, unseen, unlimited, unbounded, and unknown,
Exists the entire Cosmos, waiting for them to wake up.
All it takes to evaporate a human’s complacency, Baby Love,
Is to experience the presence of Star Travelers
Walking unseen among them,
Checking on the sleeping babies.