Returning Is Automatic

Beginning at the End of what we perceive,
(This is gonna be hard to believe)
We lose our limitations and are free to receive.
At death, our five senses cease.
Cessation of Sensation is a Liberation
From the heavenly hell of fleshly subordination.
No longer hooked, wrapped, trapped, or tricked into addiction are we.
At death, the yoke and chain no longer restrain.
What happens here is very clear,
Never again are we slaves that must mind
Hormonal gears as they crunch and grind.
At death we’re free to surge ahead and BE.
You see, death destroys what we want to escape.
(Ain’t that a jolt?)
The ending of individual perception
Makes room for transcendent illumination.
Ending is easy. Fairly automatic.
Beginning, however, is a mighty trick to pull off while still
Tied, bound, nailed down, and in love with the vehicle.
But, Beginning Life as One IS our mission.
We’ll be back.
And we’ll be back again,
Until Oneness is done through flesh.