Yet Another Creation Theory

God is the unceasing flow
Of Conscious Energy, of Life,
Constantly, incessantly, and lovingly
Creating and Enlivening All That Is.
Often called The Light, or Glory, or Lord, or The One,
This Conscious Energy is the Life-Force
Containing two aspects, two poles, within Itself,
Which then create all Form, visible and invisible.
That’s why we all have One Father, so to speak,
Which is the projective force aspect of Conscious Light Energy
Spewing across and expanding ITSELF, through out the Cosmos.
That’s why we all have One Mother, so to speak,
Which is the magnetic force aspect of Conscious Light Energy,
Attracting, gathering, and condensing the spewing
Quantum matter, Gestating Divine Light into viable Life.
That’s why we are all Children of God, so to speak.
Kith and Kin every one of us, we are,
Both containing and expanding
A Divine Spark called The Son,
Without which we would not exist.
True Baby Love!
Go within.
Check out your expanding consciousness.
Meet your maker.
Ask how you can help!