One Baby Step For Humankind

Life is the way it is.
Stuff happens.
Very little you can do to change or stop anything, outside.
It just keeps rolling on.
You can however, program your mind-emotion system
To avoid adrenaline and cultivate endorphins.
That way, Baby Love, you can
Be happy about everything
Live longer
Be more productive
Enjoy life
Be a role model.
You see Sweetie, your visible attitudes
Are the way your inner emotions manifest.
Your attitudes are malleable and changeable,
Unless you say your emotions are carved in stone.
You can shift from Bah Humbug to Twinkle Toes anytime
You decide, with an oomph! from Will,
To reveal the humor, irony, and ignorance
Of your emotional reactions.
The quality of your life
Is in the will-to-do that,
Which creates
A new Way of Being.
05/ 29/2019