As You Think, So You Are

Watch your thoughts Baby Love.
Become aware of their direction.
Do they usually: Stray into the past, Focus in the present,
Or Speculate into the future?
The important thing to realize is that
The past exists only in your memory and
The future exists only in your imagination.
Which means you are living in your head.
But that’s only forward and back, existing only in your mind.
Another direction thinking takes is sort of vertical,
Ranging from Hi-Hope Pollyanna Sunshine,
Down into the negative depths of your personal hell.
Watch your favorite puppies, Baby Love.
Your repeated, dwelled on, thinking-thoughts are not innocent,
For they determine the Quality Of Your Life by:
Influencing your physical health
Magnetizing like-minded folks to you
Shaping your emotional stability
Forming false opinions that harden into beliefs
Limiting the range of your creativity
Governing your ability to recognize Reality
Skewing your perception of Truth
Baby Love, science says we are mostly water, and water flows in the direction of least resistance.
That’s mind-flow, and our thinking-thoughts being regulated by the outside conditions and circumstances in which we live.
There, Life is happening TO us, and helpless we are.
Our Saving Grace is Divine Will—which allows us to switch the TV channel,
Read an inspiring book, un-friend some “friends,” or
Think about that which nurtures us.
What kind of thoughts are thinking you into being what you don’t like?