Decisions Shape The Quality Of Life

People who have to say “trust me” are not trustworthy.
Trust is earned, not asked for.
Don’t say “trust me,” because you’re asking others
To make a choice, take a dare, gamble on human nature.
Those who choose to trust are often betrayed
Because of their naive assumptions about people.
They are the source of their own suffering.
On the other hand, those who choose to trust
Are just as often rewarded by the Trust being justified.
You see, trust fulfilled is the foundation of Love.
It’s a holy gambler who chooses to trust 100% of the time.
They’re usually considered fools,
Living life as if everything brings Love.
Imagine the risk!
The REAL choice, Baby Love,
Is the frame of reference
In which you choose to live your life.
With constant suspicion gnawing at the edges of your mind,
And fear eroding your heart?
With constant expectation of Beauty fulfilling your desires,
And gratitude welling up for the strangest places and people?
“Suffering by suspicion,” or “Love—occasionally interrupted”?
It’s your Life. It’s your choice.
If you’ve already chosen, it’s not too late to change your mind.
After all, you’re still breathing.