Eliminate Knee-Jerks

IF we had no parents or family to influence us;
IF we had no hunger or instinctual drives;
IF we had no emotions, wants, or preferences;
IF we had no political or economic viewpoints;
IF we had no children, pets, or beloved ones;
IF we had no physical experiences,
We could observe the cosmos with 100% neutral objectivity.
THEN we would truly have Free Will, but there would be no need.
There would be no choices to make. All could be considered Perfect,
And there would be no choosing between better and best.
ALL would be good.
However, Life is not lived by IF’s.
The Cosmic Law of Creation binds us to the consequences
Produced by our thoughts, speech, and actions.
In Life today or long passed, we insert good or unpleasant qualities
Into our Souls as the result of our thought, speech, and action.
We know that our choices are limited—regardless of free will—
By our temporary human conditions—which are purposely selected by
Our Soul for us to experience in this particular lifetime.
What we need to know is that the past-life receptions of our Soul
Have created the necessity for specific experiences in this incarnation.
What we need to know is that events will be recorded as either
Harmonious or discordant, within the Soul, and Harmony is the goal.
What we need to know is that the Soul’s inner harmony or discord
Increases or decreases according to our emotional reactions to Life.
What we need to know is that….
…. after we master knee-jerk emotional reactions….
Our Divine Power of Will can freely select how we respond to Life Events,
Which then Imprint our Soul with either Harmony or Discord.
Fortunately, with practice, we can choose to make either a
Negative or a positive response.
Are you ready to see that you can make free choices
Which support your Soul Growth?