Not Scalar Science

For Heaven’s Sake, Baby Love,
In the name of Unity Consciousness,
Get over yourself.
One consciousness, Infinite and Eternal,
Is all there is.
That we are separate, is an illusion of self-consciousness.
That we have free will, is an illusion of seemingly effective action.
That there are accidents, is an illusion of ignorance.
That we die, is an illusion of duality.
That material goods are destroyed, is a time-lapse illusion.
Until we master our emotional nature,
We will be deceived by ourselves, by our opinions,
By our judgments, by the limitation of our senses,
And by our insidious arrogance.
ALL THAT IS, is all that is,
In a single Unity.
Us too.
Our severely limited sensual ability tells us otherwise.
That’s why working at
intentionally expanding consciousness
Is the only valid reason
For living in a Sensual Body
And having challenges,
Like bricks hurtling at us,
To wake up our awareness.