WHOEVER WAS IT SAID Leave a Comment / PHILOSOPHY PLEASE / By Mercedes http://unseenreality.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/WHOEVER-WAS-IT-SAID.mp3 LIES WE LIVE BY Whoever was it said: You’ve Got One Life to Live, so make it good? The Earth is flat? The Sun revolves around the Earth? Space is empty? What you see is what you get? When you die you go to heaven or hell? Step on a crack, break your mother’s back? Whoever was it that decided there’s good luck and bad luck? And how did they make that short-sighted call? And whatever, on God’s green earth, makes people think That just because they believe it, it’s absolutely true? Seems like most everything we think we know, Turns out to be not so. Probably wise to walk in that double-edged cusp Where spirit and science dance together. 06/20/18 DOWNLOAD PDF